Every Voice is the vertical SaaS platform for civic engagement

Every Voice was founded to address polarization and strengthen democracy by solving the critical communication gap between constituents and their representatives. Our SaaS platform provides a single nonpartisan ecosystem for constituents, government officials, representatives, and political organizations to engage in the legislative process at the voting district level. We provide a crowd-sourced, transparent, accessible, real-time feedback loop for each of us, everyday people, to lobby decision-makers, foster trust, be accountable, and leverage data for community-driven policy changes. We might feel divided, but we haven’t fallen. Let’s reimagine democracy together with Every Voice.

Meet the Team

  • Jackson Wirekoh, PhD

    Founder & CEO

  • Athanasios Taskas

    Founder & CFO

  • Chantal Wirekoh


  • Oladiran Johnson
